Category: Demographic Sociology

May 20, 2014

Many Westerners have offered interpretations of Iraq’s nation-building progress in the wake of the 2003 war and the eventual withdrawal of American troops from the country, but little has been written by Iraqis themselves. This forthright book fills in the gap. Zaid Al-Ali, an Iraqi lawyer with direct ties to the people of his homeland, […]

May 5, 2014

The main focus of the book is whether globalization and trade liberalization enable business associations to become real representatives of business interests rather than state-controlled or otherwise ineffective organizations in developing countries. The book relies heavily on more than 200 interviews with Moroccan and Tunisian workers and employers to trace changes in business associational life […]

September 17, 2013

AFRICAN POLITICS AND SOCIETY: A MOSAIC IN TRANSFORMATION is the first single-authored textbook to examine continuity and change in African politics and society from the pre-colonial era to the present. It fills the needs of those with little prior knowledge while balancing this background information with thorough analysis for those already familiar with the subject. […]

September 16, 2013

Encountering Morocco introduces readers to life in this North African country through vivid accounts of fieldwork as personal experience and intellectual journey. We meet the contributors at diverse stages of their careers–from the unmarried researcher arriving for her first stint in the field to the seasoned fieldworker returning with spouse and children. They offer frank […]

September 14, 2013

Provides a comprehensive, clairvoyant, and rich study of a number of issues affecting the Maghreb on the eve of the 21st century.”–Yehuda Lukacs, George Mason University This collection addresses the major problems that Maghreb countries–Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, and Libya–have faced in the last two decades and the cultural and economic issues facing them today, an […]

September 14, 2013

Before the 2011 uprisings, the Middle East and North Africa were frequently seen as a uniquely undemocratic region with little civic activism. The first edition of this volume, published at the start of the Arab Spring, challenged these views by revealing a region rich with social and political mobilizations. This fully revised second edition extends […]

September 12, 2013

This volume provides a comprehensive overview of the contemporary Maghreb. Made up of contributions from leading academics in the field, it highlights specific issues of importance, including international and security affairs. With profiles of individual countries and regional issues, such as migration, gender, integration, economics, and war in Western Sahara, as well as a section […]

September 12, 2013

This digital book is based around the three main players who took part in the 2012/2013 conflict in Mali: the Tuareg, Islamist rebels, and the Malian government. Tuareg rebels want their own state, or at least greater autonomy and political and economic opportunities; yet, there are many rivalries in the north between and even among […]

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