January 27, 2025

More than 47,000 people – men, women, and children – are dead. Forty-seven thousand souls extinguished, their lives stolen in unimaginable ways. More than 100,000 are injured, many maimed for life. Behind these numbers are faces, dreams, and families who will never be whole again. The scale of loss is so vast it feels impossible […]

January 23, 2025

In March 2011, popular discontent with the Ba’athist regime ruled by Bashar al-Assad triggered large-scale protests and pro-democracy rallies across Syria, as part of the wider Arab Spring protests in the region. Estimates vary, but between 350,000 and 606,000 people are estimated to have been killed in Syrian civil war since 2011. The Assad government […]

January 20, 2025

Thousands of people have taken to the streets in protests since the presidential election results were announced on Oct. 24, declaring Frelimo candidate Daniel Chapo as the outright winner, with the opposition planning what it says will be the biggest protests across the capital Maputo. The October elections saw the little-known Chapo, candidate of the […]

January 20, 2025

On 06 October Kais Saied has been re-elected president of Tunisia with 90.69% of votes cast, although low turnout reflected widespread discontent in the cradle of the Arab Spring pro-democracy uprisings. Three years after Saied made a sweeping power grab, rights groups fear his re-election will entrench his grip on the only democracy to emerge […]

September 15, 2023

On September 10, Libya was hit by a catastrophic storm which wiped out numerous houses in Cyrenaica. Thousands of people died, and the devastating effects of the calamity will remain alive in the lives of Libyans for decades. The most affected Libyan cities were Benghazi, Bayda and Derna. The worst was Derna, which it was […]

July 18, 2023

تونس ، تونس - المئات من الرجال والنساء والأطفال السود الذين طردوا قسراً من مدينة صفاقس الساحلية ما زالوا عالقين في "المنطقة الحرام" المؤمنة بشدة بين ليبيا وتونس. وتكشف اللقطات التي التقطتها قناة الجزيرة ، المنظمة الإعلامية الوحيدة التي وصلت إلى المجموعة المعزولة ، عن مشهد يرثى له لمئات الأشخاص الذين يقبعون على الساحل بين […]

June 14, 2023

The Senegalese authorities have announced that it had opened investigations regarding the broadcasting of videos showing armed people in civilian clothes, accused of violently attacking demonstrators during the recent protests. The Interior Minister, Antoine Felix Abdoulaye Diome, has declared that an investigation is pending following the recent videos that emerged on the social media portraying […]

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