Politics in the European Union

adminFebruary 5, 20181min

img2Enhanced by an accessible writing style and a variety of pedagogical resources, Politics in the European Union, Fourth Edition, offers an up-to-date, balanced, and comprehensive introduction to the field by four expert authors. Divided into four sections–theory, history, institutions, and policies–it opens with detailed coverage of key theoretical concepts, which are also integrated and referred back to throughout the book in order to help students draw links between the EU in theory and in practice.

Ideal for students who are approaching the subject for the first time, Politics in the European Union, Fourth Edition, incorporates a range of pedagogical features including insight boxes and a chronology. It is accompanied by an extensive Companion Website that contains resources for students–an interactive map of Europe, an interactive timeline of European integration, multiple-choice questions, a flashcard glossary, and related links–and instructors–PowerPoint-based slides, essay and seminar questions, and boxes and figures from the text.

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