Category: Uncategorized

June 28, 2021

Recently, the Somalian National Army/SNA forces have had a violent response to attacks from the terrorist group – Al Shababb/AS. Only yesterday, over 15 AS members were executed, the action of punishing them for joining a terrorist group being filmed and posted on social networks as Twitter. Is this a message to the ruthless group, […]

April 29, 2021

Rencontre avec M. Abdul Al-Sakroufi, président du Conseil suprême des hommes d`affaires Tunisiens et Libyens Al-Sakroufi: avant la fin de 2010, la Libye c`était une destination de choix pour la main-d`æuvre tunisienne – les ciffres indiquent un demi-million de travailleurs tunisienne. C`est important de restaurer le schéma des flux de main-d`æuvre tunisienne vers la Libye, […]

May 17, 2014

Utilizing a mix of documents–including photographs, posters, diaries, diplomatic records, archival sources, and literary works–The Modern Middle East and North Africa: A History in Documents is structured around an underlying theme of unity in diversity. This theme helps to offset students’ stereotypical image of the Middle East and North Africa as an undifferentiated, monolithic, and […]

May 5, 2014

The main focus of the book is whether globalization and trade liberalization enable business associations to become real representatives of business interests rather than state-controlled or otherwise ineffective organizations in developing countries. The book relies heavily on more than 200 interviews with Moroccan and Tunisian workers and employers to trace changes in business associational life […]

January 3, 2013

The universe of militant groups in Pakistan’s Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) and Northwest Frontier Province (NWFP), near the Afghan border, is far more complex and diverse than is commonly understood. While these groups share many ideological and historical characteristics, the militants have very different backgrounds, tribal affiliations, and strategic concepts that are key to […]

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