Under the Trump administration, the US has significantly amped up military engagement in Somalia. Special forces are fighting alongside Somali soldiers to defeat terror organization al-Shabab. Sandra Petersmann reports.
An act of desperation rather than real power Many people in are in mortal fear of terrorist attacks. This is human nature—but before we jump to conclusions that life as we know it has changed forever, we should try to look at these events in a more rational manner. This is not to diminish the […]
Terrorist groups are destabilizing countries all over the continent For the past decade, Islamist militant groups have been gaining ground in Africa. In 2015, Nigeria’s Boko Haram became the world’s deadliest terror group. Since then, five African militaries, backed by the US and EU, have tried and failed to defeat them.
Political and Economic environment to 2015 The underlying structural causes of state weakness in sub-Saharan Africa – relatively low population densities, problematic population distribution and poor infrastructure will remain ubiquitous through 2015 and beyond, impeding the prospects of significant gains in broad based institution building and development. Much will depend upon two external drivers of […]
According to Federica Saini Fasanotti, a Senior Fellow at the Foreign Policy Center for 21st Century Security and Intelligence, Libya is in no better shape today than it was in 2011. In spite of the best efforts of the U.N. Special Envoy for Libya Ghassam Salame and his talented team, there remains no political solution […]
Theories of international relations, assumed to be universally applicable, have failed to explain the creation of states in Africa. There, the interaction of power and space is dramatically different from what
From spray-painted slogans in Senegal to student uprisings in South Africa, twenty-first century Africa has seen an explosion of protests and social movements. But why? Protests flourish amidst an emerging
The Real Politics of the Horn of Africa delves into the business of politics in the turbulent, war-torn countries of north-east Africa. It is a contemporary history of how politicians, generals and insurgents bargain over money and power, and use of war to achieve their goals.
This new edition of Understanding Contemporary Africa has been thoroughly revised to reflect the many significant events and trends of the past six years―seismic political changes, the impact of the new information technology, the strong presence of China and other foreign powers, and much more. The authors provide current analyses not only of history, politics, […]
The fourth edition of An Introduction to African Politics is an ideal textbook for those new to the study of this fascinating continent. It gets to the heart of the politics of this part of the world. How is modern Africa still influenced by its colonial past? How do strong ethnic and religious identities on […]
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