The collapse of an entire ideology? – The Venezuelan Crisis

adminFebruary 25, 20192min

According to some World Economic Forum research, these days the political crisis in Venezuela has entered an extremely acute phase. In fact, dual power has been proclaimed in the country: there are opposing policies and institutions at the presidential, parliamentary and judicial levels.

This crisis became a major event not only in the region, but also in world politics. The countries of the world are very clearly and revealingly split in their assessment of the current events. This controversy spilled out at the UN Security Council podium.

In addition to its political (and military) outcomes, this crisis makes us recall the ideological legacy of the late Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez, called “Chavismo” after him.

By the way, from the point of view of the ideological symbols of Chavismo, the timing of the current events is extremely important – the current political crisis in Venezuela began on the eve of February. It was in February that several key events of recent Venezuelan history took place, which is something Hugo Chavez always emphasized in his speeches.

Read the full article here.

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