Category: Demographic Sociology

April 16, 2021

 The freedom of speech crisis is deepening in Morocco                  Today, 16.04, are expected protests in Rabat, starting from 16:00. The protesters are demanding the release of the two journalists who are in jail for sexual assault charges an espionage – Omar Radi and Suleiman Raissouni. Over 150 the journalists are requesting to the authorities […]

February 17, 2018

Concern about the size of the world’s population did not begin with the “population bomb” in 1968. It arose in the aftermath of World War I and was understood as an issue with far-reaching ecological, agricultural, economic, and geopolitical consequences. The world population problem concerned the fertility of soil as much as the fertility of […]

November 6, 2017

The story of the Moors in Spain “reads like a dream.” Under their rule, thrift and prosperity prevailed throughout the country. “Palatial cities rose under their hand. Aqueducts, rivaling those of the Roman Campagna, brought the streams from the mountains to city and field. Great districts, naturally sunburnt and barren, were made by skilful irrigation […]

June 24, 2014

Dirk Vandewalle is one of only a handful of scholars who have made frequent visits to Libya over the last four decades. His formidable knowledge of the region is encapsulated in his history of Libya which was first published in 2006. The history – based on original research and interviews with Libya’s political elite – […]

June 14, 2014

Providing an account of the recent revolutions or reform movements that constituted part of the Arab Spring, this book focuses on these transformative processes in a North African context. Whilst the longer term outcomes of the Arab Spring revolts are not entirely clear, the revolutionary or reform processes in North Africa are further along than […]

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